Program Management

At JJfitzgerald we understand that many organizations face significant challenges as they deal with increasing demands for greater speed, product quality, and reduced cost- faster, better, and cheaper.


In this environment, the key to success for global firms is to use available resources in more effective ways to implement the organization's strategy. It is vitally important that organizations identify long-term objectives and the strategies that will lead the organization to success in a global marketplace.



We Understand

We understand that identifying strategic paths is difficult, but we also believe that what is of even greater significance is how best to implement the resulting strategies.


At JJFitzgerald we utilize our Program Management Concepts to focus on translating your long term objectives into a portfolio of projects that best meets your organization's long term objectives. With our approach it will cover the strategy development and planning, portfolio management, and structuring a portfolio of projects that best meets your organization's objectives.

Our Approach

Our Approach is designed to:

  • Articulate why strategy is important to the success of your organization
  • Direct a stratgey effort for your organization
  • Facilitate your projects that are based on satisfying strategic objectives & goals
  • Describe the foundations for your program and portfolio management
  • Identify strategic measures of performance and monitor each success criteria to ensure you are on the right course 

We Pride

We Pride ourselves on getting where you want to go from where you are. That is why our strategy entails specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, and developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs.


Our strategies are designed to achieve your objectives, and the allocate resources to implement your policies and plans, projects and programs to ensure the overall success of your organization.